
Debate Review: Can We Be Good Without God?

Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.

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Have a Conversation (Take Out Your Headphones)!

What can we do about our increasingly divided culture? What difference can we each make? Sean offers one simple idea we can all do that will make a difference.


If God Knows Everything We Need, Why Pray?

Since God knows everything, what's the purpose of praying? Why talk to God when He already knows what you're going to say? Sean briefly addresses these Qs.


What's the Secret to Self-Control? Scientific and Biblical Wisdom

What is the secret to self-control? What do brain science and Scripture reveal? Sean interviews Drew Dyck about his new book.


New California Health Standards Lack Diversity, Inclusion, and Openness

California has adopted new health standards. Sean explains how they present serious challenges for Christians, Muslims, Mormons, and other religious believers.


Porn is the New Norm

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Is Reason Important for Truth? Yes, and Everyone Knows It!

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Can Science Explain Everything? Book Review

Can science explain all reality? Is science in conflict with God? Sean reviews the recent book by professor John Lennox.


Stealing Defeat from the Jaws of Victory!

Does the Big Bang support creation or contradict it? Guest blogger Tim Stratton creatively shows how the beginning of the universe points to God.


Can All Religions Be True? No Way!

Can all religions be correct? Is it possible all roads lead to God? Sean addresses these questions with a helpful and memorable visual.