
Should Christians Use Preferred Pronouns? A Vital Debate.

Should Christians use preferred pronouns? Is it an act of respect and charity, or is it compromising the creation narrative?

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A Frank Conversation on Same-Sex Attraction and Sin (w/ Rosaria Butterfield)

Is same-sex attraction a sin that needs to be repented of? Is it heretical to deny that we are morally culpable for our sinful desires?


Near-Death Experiences and Universalism (Jesus, Buddha, and Muhammad)

Do Muslims see Muhammad, Christians see Jesus, and Hindus see Krishna? People often claim that near-death experiences confirm universalism, let's take a look.


A Christian Response to Cancel Culture . . .

How should Christians respond to Cancel culture? Is it a good or bad thing for society? We discuss this topic & give insight on this important culture moment.


Christians and Racial Justice: A Critical Debate (ft. Neil Shenvi & Ed Uszynski)

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10 Affirming Arguments for Same-Sex Unions: A Biblical Response

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Hellish Near-Death Experiences

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Why Polyamory is Problematic (Response to a New Trend)

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Human Trafficking: Stories that ROCKED me (and Gospel Hope)

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