
Cultural Update: Religion at the Inauguration; Liberal Atheist Grappling with the Sanctity of Life

Scott is joined by Erik Thoennes to discuss: 

  • Religious Elements in Presidential Inaugurations: A discussion on the profound religious traditions embedded in the U.S. presidential inauguration, highlighting the inclusion of clergy, prayers, and hymns, and their connection to America's cultural and historical fabric. 
  • Christian Players in the National Championship: Exploration of faith in sports, as prominent Christian athletes publicly credited God, raising questions about divine intervention and faith's role in competitive events. 
  • Moral Intuitions of a Liberal Atheist: Reflection on a liberal atheist grappling with the sanctity of life, surrogacy, and prenatal ethics, demonstrating how moral intuitions often intersect with theological principles. 
  • The Ethics of Hormone-Blocking Drugs: Tackling the complex issue of administering hormone-blocking drugs to sex offenders, balancing public safety with ethical concerns and the individual's dignity. 
  • Hostage Negotiations and Just War Theory: A deep dive into the moral and theological principles surrounding hostage deals, weighing the sanctity of life against potential future consequences. 
  • God’s Sovereignty in Human Affairs: Insightful discussions on God's role in both monumental and mundane aspects of life, encouraging trust in divine wisdom amid human uncertainties. 


Think Biblically: Conversations on Faith and Culture is a podcast from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University, which offers degrees both online and on campus in Southern California.

Find all episodes of Think Biblically at: https://www.biola.edu/think-biblically.
Watch video episodes at: https://bit.ly/think-biblically-video.

To submit comments, ask questions, or make suggestions on issues you'd like us to cover or guests you'd like us to have on the podcast, email us at [email protected].


Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture

In a culture whose needs and obstacles to faith are continuously shifting, Christians are wise to ask themselves: How do we share and defend the gospel with relevance for today? Apologetics for an Ever-Changing Culture is a practical how-to guide for conveying and upholding the Christian faith in our contemporary cultural …more
Dr. Sean McDowell is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview.

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