The Bible teaches some challenging and uncomfortable truths about sex, love, and relationships. Challenging both culture and the church, Sean lists the top ten.
Our culture is obsessed with sex and yet also implies that its not a big deal. Which is it? Sean gives some advice about living in the cultural tension.
Argentinian company Tulipan has created a “Consent Condom” to be released later this year. Sean reflects on what this reveals about the modern sexual ethic.
Abortion. Same-sex marriage. Pornography. These are issues of debate, but Sean explains the core ideas at the heart of the sexual revolution.
California has adopted new health standards. Sean explains how they present serious challenges for Christians, Muslims, Mormons, and other religious believers.
What is at the heart of the sexual revolution? How do sexual revolutionaries understand love and freedom? Sean briefly responds with 8 insights.
What would the world be like if everyone followed Jesus' commands regarding sex, marriage, and relationships? Can you picture it? Sean describes such a world.
Is Sex entirely a private act, as proponents of the sexual revolution have claimed for decades? Sean offers two important responses.
Is it possible to live a fulfilled, meaningful life without sex? Our hypersexualized culture says no. Sean explores how the life of Jesus debunks this myth.
What does the recent span of sexual misconduct charges reveal about the sexual revolution? Sean argues that they reveal the failure of the sexual revolution.