
BIG Questions for Jesus Followers (Today)

What would it mean to truly follow Jesus today? Sean raises some of the most important questions for Christ-followers to address today.

Recent Posts


The Latest Evidence for Jesus (Interview)

What is the latest evidence for Jesus? In this interview, Sean answers five questions about his latest book with his father: Evidence for Jesus.


What Was It Like for Jesus to be a Carpenter?

What was it really like for Jesus to be a carpenter? How much did he make? How did it help his future ministry? Check out Sean's latest blog.


What Is the Most Important Thing to Know?

What is the single most important thing to know in life? In response to a question from his young son, Sean shares what he thinks is most important.


4 Reasons Jesus Cast Demons Into a Herd of Pigs

Why would Jesus allow a herd of pigs to be destroyed when casting out demons? Wasn't there another way? Sean offers 4 insights for reflection.


How the Miracles of Jesus Compare with Other "Miracle-Workers"

Aren't the miracles of Jesus random, flippant, and borrowed from other sources? Sean looks closely at the Gospels and concludes that this objection fails.


Is Jesus Too Good to Be False? Interview with Author Tom Gilson.

The character of Jesus is utterly unique. Some argue he is a myth, but in his latest book, Gilson argues his character is too unique and consistent to be false.


Two New Resources on the Resurrection (One is FREE)

Two new books have come out defending the resurrection of Jesus as an event in history. Sean briefly reviews (and suggests) them!


The Historical Jesus vs. the Historical Buddha

How do the historical sources compare for Buddha and Jesus? Sean compares and contrasts the available historical evidence for the two founders.


Joseph Smith's First Vision vs. The Resurrection of Jesus: A Historical Comparison

How does the historical evidence for the founding events of Christianity and Mormonism compare? Sean interviews author Rob Bowman about his new book.