
Two Big Temptations of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay. As helpful as it can be, AI also raises two big temptations we need to resist.

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3 Bad Arguments about Guns and Violence

The topic of guns and violence is one of the most important (and controversial) today. While the issue is complex, Sean dispels 3 bad arguments.


3 Bad Reasons to Support Assisted Suicide

Assisted suicide is a complex issue, yet there are 3 bad reasons to support it. Sean responds to 3 common reasons people give in its defense.


The Rise of Today's New Rebel

How is following Jesus an act of rebellion today? What does it mean to speak truth in love? Sean shares a story to address these questions.


A Christian View of Drugs

What biblical principles apply to the use of drugs? Sean offers two scriptural insights that should shape the way we approach the question of drug use.


How Might Jesus Respond to Bullying?

What does the Bible say about bullying, if anything? How would Jesus deal with bullies? Sean offers two biblical insights about bullying.


Can a Christian Who Commits Suicide Go to Heaven?

Is suicide an unforgivable sin? How can a genuine Christian lose hope? Sean offers a fictional dialogue to think through these questions biblically.


Yes, Jesus Cared about the "Right Side of History"

Was Jesus concerned with being on the "right side of history" for moral issues? Sean shows that Jesus cared about the past and the future.


How Should Christians Think about the Enneagram? Interview with Dr. Chris Berg.

How should Christians think about the Enneagram? Is it just a personality tool? While Christians differ on their approach, Sean interviews Dr. Chris Berg.


5 Ways Christians Should Respond to the "Satan Shoe"

Rapper Lil Nas X released a "Satan Shoe" that includes 666, a pentagram, and a drop of blood. Sean gives 5 reflections to help thoughtful Christians respond.