
Is Religion Bad for You? 3 Reasons the Answer is No.

Is religion detrimental to your health? Does it harm people? Sean gives 3 reasons the opposite is true.

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COVID-19 and the Problem of Goodness and Beauty

The problem of evil and suffering is one of the most vital questions to ask. But we must also ask there there is goodness, beauty, and free will. Sean explains.


A Skeptic Sees Beauty in the God of Christmas

Surprisingly, a well-known skeptic recognizes the power of the message of Jesus and the beauty of the God of Christmas. Guest blogger Tim Stratton explains.


Can Atheism Explain Moral "Oughtness"?

Can science account for objective morality? Can atheism give us a sense of moral oughtness? Guest blogger Tim Stratton tackles these questions.


Does It Take More Faith To Be An Atheist?

What require more faith - atheism or theism? Guest blogger Ryan Pauly makes the case that atheism requires more faith than believing in God.


Former French Atheist Becomes a Christian: An Interview.

How does a French atheist become a Christian? What advice does he have for Christians? Check out Sean's brief interview with Guillaume Bignon.


There's no God? How boring!

Cornell University Professor Will Provine once claimed intelligent design is boring. I think its the exact opposite...Atheism is boring!


Atheists May Not Believe In God, But They Still Live in His World

How do we really know what people believe? Many people claim not to believe in God. But in my experience, their lives will betray them. Sean explains how.


Who Is the "Fool" that Denies God? Not Who You Think.

Who does the Psalmist refer to as the fool who says in his heart, "There is no God"? Despite what many people think, its not the atheist.


The New Face of Atheism (And It's Not Dawkins!)

How has atheism changed? Who represents this new movement? Are the "new atheists" still relevant? Sean answers these questions and more.