
Debate Review: Can We Be Good Without God?

Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.

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Is Evolution A Theory in Crisis?

Michael Denton recently updated his classic book EVOLUTION: A THEORY IN CRISIS. Sean reviews his new book and highlights some significant issues for evolution.


Religious Liberty Under Fire—And What You Can Do About It

The threat to religious freedom is very real, as seen in the recent CA SB 1146. We each have a responsibility to educate ourselves and spread the word.


Forgiveness: The Most Powerful Apologetic

What is our most powerful apologetic today? Even though offering evidences is critical, Sean argues that forgiveness is perhaps our most powerful apologetic.


Three Reasons Cohabitation Doesn’t Work

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What Are the Best Revisionist Books on the Bible and Homosexuality

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Stop Denigrating Singleness—It's a Gift from God

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Why I Love Atheists

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Why Does Jesus Behave Badly? Interview with Author Mark Strauss

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Why Are Christians So Defensive?

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