
Debate Review: Can We Be Good Without God?

Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.

Recent Posts


Are Questions Better Than Answers? No Question About It!

What good questions so important for life change? And what makes a good, transformative Q? With research and personal examples, Sean discusses the power of Qs.


Has the Church sought out Demonic Power to Further the Gospel? Interview with Author Kyle Strobel

Has the church made use of demonic power to advance the gospel? Why is the church so tempted by worldly power? Sean interviews Kyle Strobel about his new book.


Why Being "Blessed" is Better than Being "Happy"

Is it more important to be happy or blessed? And what is the difference between the two? Sean discusses true happiness and why being blessed is invaluable.


The Story of Reality: Apologist Greg Koukl Discusses His New Book

Is there a cosmic drama of reality we can actually know? Sean interviews apologist and author Greg Koukl about his new, excellent book: The Story of Reality.


Sin: The Forgotten Doctrine

Sean makes the case that human sinfulness is one of the most forgotten doctrines today, which has huge implications for our theology and our daily lives.


A "Chance" Encounter with the Miraculous

Sean shares the story of a "chance" encounter with a man he "randomly" met whose son was radically healed from a genetic disease. Is it believable?


Top 10 Apologetics "Tips" of the Year

What are the best apologetics tips of 2016? Sean tweets an apologetics tip each day, and this blog is a list of the top 10 most popular tips of the year.


Does Porn Really Harm Society? Interview with Dr. John Foubert.

What does the research really show about the effects of pornography? How do you make a case against porn? Sean interviews author John Foubert.


How 'Passengers' Subverts the Sexual Revolution

Why was their discomfort over the sex scene in the recent film 'Passengers'? Is sex a big deal or not? Sean tackles these Qs and more.