Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.
How do you actually engage kids in spiritual conversations? What are the biggest questions kids have? Sean interviews author Natasha Crain on these Qs and more.
Jesus said you will know a tree by its fruit. Does traditional teaching on sexuality harm gay people, and thus must be unbiblical? Sean considers this teaching.
What can Christians learn from a Secular Humanist chaplain? What advice does a former evangelist have for apologists? Sean briefly interviews Bart Campolo.
William Lane Craig and Sean McDowell lay out a simple three-point case for the resurrection.
What steps can students take to thrive in their faith during college? Sean offers six critical steps from his experience and research.
Students are bombarded by pornographic messages and images today. In this post, Sean offers six practical steps to help students resist our pornified culture.
Students grow up today in an increasingly pornified culture. In this first part, Sean discusses two underlying reasons that make porn so alluring today.
How do we best motivate Christians to care about apologetics? Guest blogger Mark Mittelberg offers insight and wisdom in part 2 to his series.
How can we best engage the church to care about apologetics? Guest blogger Mark Mittelberg offers some practical and proven strategies.