
Debate Review: Can We Be Good Without God?

Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.

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How I Get So Much Done

What are some keys to being more productive? Sean shares five tips from his personal life and ministry to help you get more done.


4 Critical Tips for Apologists

What are some practical ways apologists can improve their effectiveness? Guest blogger Timothy Fox offers four practical ideas.


If You Want to Be Happy, Recognize You Have a Choice

A key to happiness is recognizing you have a choice about how to respond to being hurt. Sean shares some wisdom from how his father overcame abuse.


Yes, I Am Pro-Choice (But Let Me Explain)

Everyone is pro-choice to a degree. We all believe people should be free to make important life decisions. But when is our choice limited? Sean explains.


10 Fascinating Insights that Unlock the Minds of Gen Z

What are the unique and important attributes of Gen Z. Sean highlights 10 critical facts that help unlock their unique worldview.


Your Worldview Is Likely More Secular Than You Think

Christian, your worldview may be more secular than you think. Sean shares a recent interaction with students that highlights how deep secular thought can be.


The Next Stage in Evangelism and Apologetics: Interview with Lee Strobel.

With the passing of Billy Graham, many wonder who will fill the void. Sean interviews Lee Strobel about his new center on evangelism and apologetics.


God Counts all the Stars and Names Them–Amazing!

Scripture says that God names all the stars in the universe. Mathematically, what would this take? Sean answers and explains what it means for God's character.


Remarkable New Films on Faith and Work: Author Interview

Learning to think Christianly about work can be transformative. Sean discusses a new video series chronicling Christians who live out their faith at work.