Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.
How long can healthy eating actually extend your life? Sean cites the surprising evidence of how many "health gurus" died young, and shows why this matters.
What are the most interesting and important "God" Debates to watch during the quarantine? Sean list five of his favorites on a moral and philosophical issues.
Is there a way to find good out of the quarantine? Based on a life lesson from his father, Sean shares how he tries to see setbacks as opportunities.
How can Christians make sense of the Coronavirus? Why doesn't God stop it? Sean offers 4 Christian insights to help address these difficult questions.
Christians often use popular slogans, such as "It's not my place to judge. Sean interviews Jeff Myers about his new book, which addresses the most common ones.
A 2nd powerful peer-reviewed case of a modern miracle has appeared in the literature. This time, a blind woman receives sight. Sean offers the critical details.
Sean gives 3 reasons why, from the perspective of our secular culture, that Christianity seems so weird. He invites Christians to embrace this.
YouTube is a great resource for humor, fixing things, and the latest celebrity gossip. But there is a big, overlooked problem with YouTube. Sean explains.
How should Christians think about transgender? Sean shares five key insights from a recent talk by Preston Sprinkle.