Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.
How well is the church engaging LGBTQ students? What can youth influencers do better? Sean interviews youth expert Jonathan McKee about an upcoming event.
How has the loss of truth devastated our culture? How do we "save truth" in our post-truth world? Sean interviews Abdu Murray about his new book "Saving Truth"
Can determinists change their minds? What would it take? Guest blogger Tim Stratton discusses one big problem for naturalism.
What are the most powerful and easy passages to use to show the deity of Jesus? Sean shares three of his favorites that can be easily memorized and shared.
Are Christian University campuses helping LGBT students thrive? Or not? Sean reviews the recent book by Mark Yarhouse: Listening to Sexual Minorities.
Why were some ancient "Gospels" left out of the Bible? Is there a conspiracy? Sean gives three reasons Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are superior to others.
What are common mistakes Christians make in outreach to Mormons? What are the most effective strategies? Sean interviews expert E. Johnson about their new book.
Sean explains how the Avengers: Infinity War movie captures the power of the gospel by reminding us that the greatest act of love is personal sacrifice.
How does the evidence for Jesus fare when viewed as a "big picture"? Sean shows the multiple lines of evidence that unanimously support the existence of Jesus.