
Debate Review: Can We Be Good Without God?

Does science or God best explain morality? This blog offers a helpful summary of key points from Sean's recent debate with skeptic Michael Shermer.

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The New “Consent Condom” Is a Sign of the Times

Argentinian company Tulipan has created a “Consent Condom” to be released later this year. Sean reflects on what this reveals about the modern sexual ethic.


How Do We Make Theology Come Alive for Students?

How do we make theology both interesting and relevant to students today? Sean shares four insights from his own research and experience with students today.


3 Pro-Choice Contradictions Revealed in the Film Unplanned

The movie Unplanned tells a powerful story of redemption and transformation. And yet it also reveals three tensions in the pro-choice position.


The Worldview Behind Transgenderism

What is transgenderism? And how does it compare with the Christian story of reality? Sean explains the underlying worldview differences and its importance.


The One (and Only) Good Reason to Be a Christian

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The Question at the Heart of the Sexual Revolution

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New Apologetics and Worldview Curriculum for Children: Author Interview

Sean interviews the producer of a new worldview curriculum for children. The Foundation curriculum is high quality, engaging, and unique.


What the Jussie Smollett Saga Reveals about our (Victimhood) Culture

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Seven Types of Atheism: Book Review

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