

What Does the Bible Say about Homosexuality? My Conversation with Matthew Vines.

How did Jesus view sex and marriage? In this video, Sean and Matthew discuss important biblical passages related to the biblical view of homosexuality.


Is Christianity A Copycat Religion?

Is Christianity based upon plagiarizing ancient mystery religions? Is there nothing unique about the claims of Jesus? Sean responds briefly to these questions.


Why Does God Allow Natural Evil?

Moral evil is often explained by human free will. But why would God allow natural evil and suffering? For what point? Sean briefly tackles these questions.


Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers?

Why does God answer some prayers but not others? Why does He seem to ignore my prayers? Sean briefly answers these questions.


Does God Have a Secret Will for My Life?

How do we know God's will? Does He have a hidden plan for my life that I have to discover? Sean briefly answers these questions.


Did Jesus Really Claim to be God?

Does the NT present Jesus as God? How did Jesus understand himself? Sean briefly answers these questions.


How Can We Know Heaven Exists?

What is the best evidence for Heaven? How can we know the afterlife is real? Sean briefly answers these questions.


How Could A Loving God Send a Good Person to Hell?

Hell is one of the toughest challenges raised against Christianity. Does God send good people there? If so, why? Sean responds.


What is the Moral Argument for the Existence of God?

What is the best way to formulate the moral argument for the existence of God? How powerful is it? Sean briefly answers these questions.