

Historical Adam: Updates and BIG Lessons (w/ William Lane Craig)

Was Adam a real historical person? Is belief in Adam and Eve compatible with science? Is it required by scripture? Dr. William Lane Craig is back to discuss.


Why An Atheist Philosophy Professor Found God

How did a Christian become an atheist at a Bible college, then later, convert back to his faith? Dr. John Wise is the host of The Christian Atheist podcast.


God or Science: What Best Explains Morality? (ft. Michael Shermer)

Can Morality be explained without God? Dr. Michael Shermer, Founding Publisher of Skeptic magazine, joins us to argue the scientific answer to that question.


What Is Heaven REALLY Like? (w/ Dr. Michael Youssef)

Is heaven boring or delusional? What are the biggest misconceptions about heaven? Many skeptics have a faulty view of what the Bible teaches about Heaven.


Escaping The Occult, Finding Jesus (w/ Christopher Lind)

What was it like growing up in the occult? Today, business guru Christopher Lind shares his story publicly for the first time.


The BIBLE and SLAVERY Explained! (Dr. Carmen Imes)

Does the Bible Endorse Slavery? Does the Bible allow beating slaves? Dr. Carmen Imes is an Old Testament professor at Talbot School of Theology at Biola Univ.


Walking with Jesus In Heartbreak and Grief (ft. Randy Alcorn)

Randy Alcorn is perhaps the most well-known Christian who writes and speaks on Heaven. How did his belief in heaven shape how he grieved his wife's death?


Stuart & Cliffe Knechtle: Untold Stories & Biggest Mistakes

Stuart & Cliffe Knechtle join me to share their stories to faith, mistakes in evangelism, the most common questions they receive, top resources and much more.


Ex-Muslim Puts Jesus to the Test...Turns His Life Upside Down

Is Jesus God? Can the Bible be trusted? These are the questions Jainil, as a Muslim, debated his Christian friend for years.