

Unraveling 7 Generations of Mormon Faith

What lessons can Christians learn from a former Mormon? Can we take lessons from Corey Miller in responding to Mormonism?


BEST Case for the Existence of the Soul (w/ JP Moreland)

What is the soul? What is does it mean to have a soul? JP Moreland delivers a defense of contemporary substance dualism.


The Latest New Testament Manuscript Discoveries (ft. Dan Wallace)

What recent discoveries have there been of biblical manuscripts? And what do they mean for the textual transmission of the New Testament?


From Richard Dawkins to Faith (ft. Alister McGrath)

Why are there so many atheist converting to faith because of Richard Dawkins? Sean interviews Oxford professor Alister McGrath about his new book.


How to Become a Professional Apologist (ft. Dr. Craig Hazen)

What are some ways to make a living as an apologist? Whether teaching, speaking, writing, social media or some other means.


The (Updated) Story of Jon Steingard

What would cause a devout Christian rockstar to deconvert from his faith in Christianity? Catching up with Jon Steingard, formerly of Hawk Nelson.


7 "Bad" Bible Translations (ft. Mark Ward)

What makes a Bible translation bad? What are some of the most common "bad" translations and how can we avoid them?


Are The Miracles of Jesus Just Cheap Tricks?

Can the miracles of Jesus be explained as magic? What are some principles we can learn from an illusionist to help be more discerning in our age of fake news?


How Near-Death Experiences Support Christianity (and challenge other worldviews)

Do NDEs vary from culture to culture? How often do people see Jesus? Do Buddhists see Buddha and Hindus see Krishna? Do NDEs support reincarnation?