Preston Sprinkle has been one of the most influential voices in the churches on issues faith and sexuality . He is also a lightning rod of controversy!
Got a big interview coming up Tuesday with Preston Sprinkle on 2 major cultural issues. Today, is a small clip from that interview about preferred pronouns.
Wesley Huff was recently on the Joe Rogan Experience. A number of skeptics, atheists, and others have responded to his appearance.
Wesley Huff, Christian apologist and public speaker, was recently on the Joe Rogan Experience, one of the largest podcasts in the world. I discuss the podcast.
Something unexpected is happening. Belief in God and the supernatural appear to be making a comeback. Why is this unexpected? And what reason is there for this?
A grim anti-human outlook has taken hold of the public imagination, teaching us all to view ourselves as random products of a cruel and uncaring natural world.
As a columnist for the New York Times, Ross Douthat has a new book releasing in Feb. on why he believes it is harder NOT to believe in God than to have faith.
How did a Christian become an atheist at a Bible college, then 25 years later, convert back to his faith? Dr. John Wise hosts The Christian Atheist podcast.
There is a rising movement–which few people are familiar with–sweeping across the world known as New Thought. What is it? And how concerned should we be?