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Does God Condone Human Sacrifices?

Why would God command Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac?


Why Doesn't God Stop Suffering?

This world is full of suffering and pain, and God does allow it. Why doesn’t God end it now? Why has he allowed it to continue so long?


Does a Loving God Send People to Hell?

God is love, and eternally punishing people doesn’t quite fit with that, right? So how can a loving God send people to hell?


Objective Morality | Cross Examination | Ep. 6

Discussion on whether or not there is morality apart from God.


What's the Big Deal About Porn?

Watch Sean McDowell talk about today's sexual worldview and why porn is a big deal.


Is God Genocidal?

Could God engage in such atrocities against a people or race? Is it possible that he is genocidal?


Is Religion the Cause of Violence?

Is religion behind all the violence in the world? Is the cause of all fighting somehow rooted in religious beliefs? Some say it is.


Ten Insights About Millennials

Ten key insights about Millennials


Is there Proof for Jesus as Messiah?

Of course Jesus did claim to be the “Anointed One.” But do the prophesies of the Old Testament confirm that he was actually the Messiah?


Did God Create the World Because He Was Lonely?

Did God create humans out of boredom? Why Did God even create humans. Sean briefly addresses this question by reflecting on the character of God.


Is God Male or Female?

Is God male or female? Does God have a gender? Who cares? Sean briefly addresses these questions.