Josh Chatraw, Scott Rae and Sean McDowell | 五月 17, 2018

Apologetics at the Cross (with Josh Chatraw)

What is the most effective approach for defending the faith today? What does it mean to do apologetics through the lens of the cross? Sean and Scott interview professor Josh Chatraw about his new book, "Apologetics at the Cross." Josh offers some lessons for evangelism and apologetics today from the early church fathers, and also addresses some of the most pressing questions asked today by both believers and non-believers.

Show notes, including a full transcript, are available at:

Sean McDowell, Ph.D. is a professor of Christian Apologetics at Biola University, best-selling author, popular speaker, part-time high school teacher, and the Resident Scholar for Summit Ministries, California. Follow him on Twitter: @sean_mcdowell