

How Can God Be A Trinity?

How can God be three and one? Sean briefly defines the Trinity and shows how there is no contradiction when it is properly understood.


Are All Religions True?

Sean quickly shows that while all religions could be false, they can't possibly all be true. How do we know which is true? The evidence.


Is There Evidence for Life after Death?

There are many popular stories that aim to provide evidence for the afterlife. Yet, the resurrection provides the best evidence to believe in life after death.


No one Is Really A Relativist

Despite the claim that many people are relativists, objective morality is written on the human heart. Our actions reveal we believe in objective moral truth.


Is Jesus the Only Way?

Is Jesus the only way to God? Is this claim arrogant? Is it true? Sean briefly responds to this common charge and shows how the claims of Christ are unique.


Is the Bible Anti-Women? (VIDEO)

Many critics claim the Bible is anti-women. Yet, in reality, as Sean demonstrates, the biblical worldview holds women in the highest regard.


Why Does God Allow Evil?

Why does God allow evil? Sean briefly provides one reason God may allow evil and how evil, when it is properly understood, is an argument for God's existence.


Is It a Sin to Doubt?

Is it okay to doubt? Some say no. But as Sean explains in this video, through his personal experience, doubt can be the impetus for a deeper faith.


Why Does Truth Even Matter?

Why can't we simply decide whatever we want truth to be? Sean discusses why truth is so important and that, in reality, we all know this is true.